A stunning wedding ensemble, designed for the seven auspicious rituals that make a South Indian wedding (Nichayadartham, Mehendi, Oonjal, Muhurtham, Nalungu, Reception and Grihapravesham) truly special. A concept conceived by RmKV who were the first to identify the need for seven sarees for the seven wedding rituals. Designed and woven by weavers awarded with recognition and bestowed with the gift of art. Another first from RmKV, exclusively for the South Indian bride. Visit www.rmkv.com for online shopping
RmKVs passion for the craft of silk weaving regularly introduces new ideas, techniques and products into the silk arena. Year after year, RmKV invests in researching new methodologies that make silk weaving a thriving art rather than a fading one. A combination of skills of the traditional Kanchi weaver with French tapestry technique is used to faithfully reproduce the famous painting in the pallu portion. This is a tribute to the Royal Painter, Raja Ravi Varma on his 150th anniversary. Visit www.rmkv.com for online shopping
Chennai, Commercial, Oonjal, RmKV, Silks, StoreLaunch
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