Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cellular Phone???

Question by Curious: Cellular Phone???
Hi! = D I want to buy a new cellular phone ranging from $ 200/$ 300/$ 400… I am interested in Nokia and Sony Ericson phones only… Could anyone help me choose what CP unit/model should I choose for each price range??? I’m a teenager so I like to have almost all the features a teenager would want in his phone… Basically Good Music and Picture/Video Quality, which is somewhat correlated with a high memory capacity… Please help/reply anyone… Thank you!!! = D Regards!!! = D

P. S. Please be kind enough to state your reason or stand why I must pick the phone you’re suggesting, okay??? Thank you again!!! = D

~ kenj ~

Best answer:

Answer by twentyeight7
Why don’t you go to the site of Virgin Mobile, all there phones and accounts are feasible for everyone. I have a little one, had it for two years, and if I have to ask a question about my phone, or some thing else, they are there with there answer. Check out there site and see what you find and go to your local market and have a good look. Walmart, & Zellers, carry them. They have the best package that I have found, for service, payments and the accesoriess that are included for your money are marvelous. These already come loaded with money minutes.

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