Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Q&A: I need someone's help big time! What is the best penny auction script to buy? no bugs or scripts full of error?

Question by xxfjyxx09: I need someone’s help big time! What is the best penny auction script to buy? no bugs or scripts full of error?
I need someone’s help big time! What is the best penny auction script to buy? I know so many that have bugs in their sites and never work properly. I also know people who constantly have issues with timers, etc. Anyone have any recommendation?

Best answer:

Answer by Kathryn
Hello! There are some pretty decent penny auction scripts out there, but one of the best we’ve found is the BargainsAndFun script. The owner, Jeremiah, is on the PennyBurners Forum, and would be more than happy to answer questions and offer his expertise.

We have a Forum specifically for Penny Auction Business-Related topics, such as scripts, servers, requirements, developers, etc. If you’d like to join, I’m sure our members would be happy to point you in the right direction =)

Hope to see you on PennyBurners!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Best Penny Auction

auction, Best, Bugs, Error, Full, help, need, penny, Script, Scripts, someones, Time

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